
Advice for New Junior Faculty @Greg Mankiw’s Blog
アメリカの大学でテニュア(終身雇用権)をとるためのアドバイスby Gregory Mankiw(まだ僕には関係ない話かもしれないが).こうしなさい,と色々とアドバイスを列挙しつつ最後に

Remember that you got into academics in part for the intellectual freedom it allows. So pursue your passions. Do not be too strategic. Be wary of advice from old fogies like me.

世の中は世知辛い.最初は「知的好奇心を満たすのが楽しくって仕方が無い」という理由で,情熱をもってacademic researcherという専門職業を目指していたのに,そのうち「テニュアをとること」が目標になっていったりするから気をつけよ,ということか.

Avoid activities that will distract you from research. Whatever you do, do not start a blog. That will only establish your lack of seriousness as a scholar.


Why are co-authors so important for the way I work? One
reason is found in Adam Smith’s famous story of the pin factory.
Smith observed that the pin factory was so productive because it
allowed workers to specialize. Research is no different–it is just
another form of production. Doing research takes various skills:
identifying questions, developing models, providing theorems,
finding data, expositing results. Because few economists excel
at all these tasks, collaborating authors can together do things
that each author could not do as easily on his own. In
manufacturing knowledge, as in manufacturing pins,
specialization raises productivity. (The puzzle is why Adam
Smith chose to ignore his own analysis and write The Wealth of
Nations without the benefit of a co-author.) 
The second reason I work with co-authors is that it makes my
job less solitary. Research and writing can be a lonely activity. It
is easy to spend endless hours with a pad and pencil or in front
of a computer without human contact. Some people may like
that kind of work, but not me. Arguing with my co-authors
makes my day more fun.
The third reason I work with co-authors is the most
important: a good co-author improves you forever. In the most
successful collaborations, both co-authors learn from the
experience. A co-author can help you expand your knowledge,
improve your skills, and expose your biases. Even after the
collaboration is over, you take these benefits with you to future
projects. To a large extent, as I have grown older, my co-authors
have become my mentors.

計量経済学大全 by 蓑谷 千凰彦

