This morning, we took a train and moved all the way to Marseille from Barcelona. Tonight and tomorrow night, we are staying at the following youth hostel.

It took about 8 hours to move, so I was really tired when I arrived at Marseille. We were so tired that we didn’t want to think, so we decided to take a taxi from the Station to this hostel, and oh my god this taxi driver was sooooooooo MEAN!!! He drove for couple of minutes, and then said we got to the place. but the place was in front of the station: the hostel was located right in front of the station! And the driver demanded us to pay 15euros. I speak no french, but I barely understood that he said, ‘quinze.’ So what did we do? We first complained, of course, and made him understand that we know where we were. and then he said, ‘okay, 10 euros.’ … Well, we just ingored him and just got into the hostel. I was soooo glad that he didnt come after us.
I hope it won’t happen agian. So far, my impression about Marseille is really bad. Hopefully, we will see the good part of this city, like the beautiful sea tomorrow.